Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Buyer questions

    Why is the seller using the FAIRPLAY program to sell the property?

    Because it is transparent and provides a fair and level playing field for all participants.

    Can potential buyers be represented by a real estate professional?

    Absolutely, in fact it is advised but not mandatory.

    How much does it cost to use the FAIRPLAY Offer Management Program?

    There is no charge to agents or potential buyers to use our program.

    Why do I need a credit card if there is no charge?

    The credit card provides a hold on your account, just like reserving an hotel room. This let's you and others know that the people placing offers are real people with genuine offers.

    Why is the amount of my offer posted up on the website for everyone to see?

    It helps buyers know if the house is in their price range and set the price they want to offer, and it helps the seller to know how much their home is worth.

    Are my contingencies posted up on the website for everyone to see?

    No. The listing agent will see the details of your offer, and they may share them with the seller, but otherwise they are confidential.

    Will the seller accept the highest offer?

    Not necessarily. The seller’s decision to accept an offer will be based on a number of factors, highest price is important but just one of the factors.

    Does my offer have to remain open for a certain period of time?

    Offers cannot expire before the offer deadline.

    Can the seller accept an offer before the offer deadline has been reached?

    Yes. A seller has the right to accept any offer at any time without the need to reach the deadline.

  • Agent questions

    Can any licensed real estate professional post properties on the FAIRPLAY Offer Management website?

    Only real estate professionals can post properties on FAIRPLAY, but all agents are welcome to represent buyers on FAIRPLAY. Contact to see if your office has already joined.

    Can any licensed real estate professional represent buyers on FAIRPLAY?

    Yes. Click the menu to sign up as an agent, and then add your clients.

  • Seller questions

    Can I add properties to Fairplay?

    Yes, but only through a licensed real estate agent.
