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FAIRPLAY is an offer management program built to make the business of buying and selling real estate fair, transparent and competitive.  

Explore the site's features:

  • Find a Home: Seamlessly search through our extensive property listings using our advanced filter functions to pinpoint your ideal home.
  • Sell a Home: Exclusive to registered Brokers and Agents, listing properties is a breeze. Simply access your dashboard or choose the "Sell a Home" option from the main menu.
  • FAQs: Quick answers to your most common questions are readily available.
  • Messages: Manage all your communications efficiently. Mark important messages and utilize the keyword search function for easy navigation.
  • Dashboard: The heart of FAIRPLAY, where all the action takes place. Your buying, selling, and listing activities are neatly organized here. For more detailed information, delve into each subsection of our help pages.
